11 Tips to Knock Out Seasonal Cold & Flu

    1. Get a Flu Shot – Every year, the vaccine may not be 100% effective. However, a 10%, 30% or 60% edge against influenza helps! Most health insurance plans pay full cost.
    2. Take Oscillococcinum – this over the counter homeopathic remedy is best taken at onset. I always carry a dose. You know your symptoms, whether it’s tickle in the throat, stiffness in the ankles or ache in the lower back, that’s when you take it.
    3. Elderberry syrup twice a day. Available at local health food stores. A weekly teaspoon dose during cold season may help your immune system to stave off cold viruses
    4. Food Cure ~ A small meal of, hot black tea (Lipton), Brazil nuts, orange, good quality yogurt and two ibuprofen tablets 200 mg. I’ve taken this combo for years when I feel symptoms and find it effective for knocking out a cold.
    5. Garlic soup – A well known folk remedy for illness. Recipe available on this link
    6. Hot bath with 1/2 cup Epsom salts, 1/2 cup baking soda and Rosemary essential oil. Take a bath at night before bed to relax your muscles and visualize the virus flowing down the drain. Only use one or two drops of rosemary essential oil. It will increase your blood circulation and help you feel warm inside. Plus the fragrance may open your sinus passages
    7. Warm, thick, soft, clean socks. Wear them in bed too. Keeping the feet warm is key
    8. Ayr Saline Nasal Spray. Keep the sinuses moist and open with an over the counter remedy. Available at CVS or Walgreen’s
    9. Wash your glasses! If you wear eyeglasses, wash them in warm soapy water. Think of how often you touch your eyeglass. You also touch doorknobs, the office copier and other objects that may have a virus on it. You just transferred the virus close to your eyes. Viruses love to enter your body this way. By washing the entire eyeglass, it may flush those germs down the drain
    10. Stay home the next day. If you work outside the home, and have saved sick time, use it. Sleep in, eat a breakfast of hot oatmeal, banana or mango and tea. Take your elderberry syrup and rest. If you feel up to it, and it’s warm in the afternoon, take a 15 minute walk outside
    11. Use Your Own Pen! While on the job or out doing chores, use your own pen to sign anything. Touching a passed around pen is a overlooked way to pick up germs. One rub of the nose and you may risk exposure to the nasties. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt to soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and go over often used objects like wall switches, faucet knobs, door handles, refrigerator doors and more. Think of all the surfaces that are shared and touched in the home or workplace. It’s okay to put a barrier, such as a napkin, between your bare hand and things we all touch.

Be your own best friend! Take care of you!

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